Debtor Solution

Our tailored debtor finance solution provides a convenient way to access funding. It releases the cash flow tied-up in invoices, without having to wait for collection.

It enables our Customers to alleviate their cash flow constraints using their debtor’s book to secure advance payments on invoices up to a maximum of 90 days from statement.

The facility is secured on a disclosed basis against the debtors book. This lending solution includes, at no additional cost, access to our experienced back office and system infrastructure which will facilitate the collection of the debtors book, including the distribution of monthly debtor statements.

Our facilities are only capped by our Customers’ the ability to generate sales. Our facility grows over time, as the business grows.

Perfect for a business looking for:

  • Growth in sales with capital advances on invoices carrying extended payment terms to new and existing customers
  • Higher pay-out value on a debtors book compared to the traditional pay-out value from overdraft facilities
  • Additional working capital for a business that has outgrown its current working capital facilities
  • Outsourcing of the debtors book administration, allowing the business owner to focus on sales and production
  • Need of a capital injection due to delays on specific contract debtors
  • Need of immediate capital injection to take advantage of early settlement discount with your suppliers and / or creditors or the procurement of inventory / raw materials at a discount
  • Bridge finance over a short-term period to fund overheads

How it works:

Facility is secured by the debtors book, with recourse

We will buy selected invoices and collect the outstanding amounts directly from the debtor on a disclosed basis

We will advance up to a maximum of 75% of the invoice value

We will fund and carry the debtor payment terms up to a maximum of 90 days from statement

The facility will grow as the business grows

We can offer auxiliary services like credit risk insurance, ledger management and collection services

Is Debtor Finance the funding solution you’re looking for?